Self-Care for the Body and Soul! Demystifying & Simplifying Self-Love

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  •  February 15, 2023
     5:00 pm - 7:00 pm

Join us for an interactive evening for your body and soul. We’ll enjoy appetizers and beverages while networking with our friends and NAWBO sisters.

Meet Danielle Rincon, owner of Stretchlab Montecito and her team of flexologists, for an interactive evening of assisted stretch for your body and listen in as Sandra Daniele, founder of Wish on Wildflowers demystifies the buzz word “self-love” and simplifies what it means to love yourself.

Sign up for a 20 minute assisted stretch for your body and fill your soul with a new self-perspective and an easy way to love yourself. Wear comfortable clothes you can move in and bring grip socks for individual assisted mini-stretch sessions.

If you are not currently a member of NAWBO and would like to get the member price, please click here for more information.


Venue Website:

1046 Coast Village Road, Suite E, Montecito, California, 93108


NAWBO Santa Barbara
3463 State Street, #231
Santa Barbara, CA 93105


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