Silencing Self Doubt: How to Overcome Imposter Syndrome

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  •  May 19, 2021
     5:00 pm - 6:30 pm

Presented by Mary Jean Vignone, PhD

Have you ever been overwhelmed by self-doubt at work or school?
Have you ever had that feeling that you are not good enough?
Perhaps you are fearful that you might be considered a fraud, inadequate, or a failure?

You are not alone!

Many high-achieving women have had the same feelings, even though they’ve reached success in their work or business.

This phenomenon is called the Imposter Syndrome and we all have experienced it at one time or maybe many times. Research shows that women are more likely than men to experience self-doubt and downplay their accomplishments.

Join us for an interactive virtual session to silence the voice in your head that questions your abilities and knowledge. Stand up, gain confidence, and achieve unlimited success.

About Mary Jean Vignone, PhD

Mary Jean is a  leadership coach, consultant, and educator who achieved leadership positions in large and mid-size for-profit and nonprofit organizations. She founded her coaching and consulting practice, SuccessReach, Ltd,  based on her solid belief that women in business are a wealth of untapped leadership talent. When unleashed, they will propel companies to achieve their visions, missions, and financial success.

Mary Jean holds an MBA from California Lutheran University, Master’s and Ph.D. in Organizational Development from Fielding Graduate University. She brings a blend of academic and corporate perspectives to her work. She is currently an adjunct faculty for Fielding Graduate University’s Organizational Development & Leadership Master of Arts program and serves on several nonprofits’ boards of directors.



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Santa Barbara, CA 93105


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